From Holley, With Love
From Holley, With Love
From Holley, With Love • Tuesday, 080321

From Holley, With Love • Tuesday, 080321

Take good care.

On my heart this week.

First, I’ve gotta echo the micropodcast and say - thank you so much. I appreciate all the email replies and comments lending a kind word after I mentioned that I was taking a mental health day yesterday. I woke up feeling much more alive and capable this morning and just grateful for the chance to begin again. With all life’s twists, turns and moving parts, care is on my heart this week. So here’s to:


Taking a break when you need it.

Resting when your body signals that it’s time.

Exercising the freedom to have it your way.

Cherishing moments of being not doing.

Deep belly laughter.

Long hot baths.

Home-cooked meals.

And whatever else care might look like for you.

Gifts for your growth.

🧠 Slow Factory Foundation released the schedule for their Open Edu Summer Camp and it’s fire!

This season is focused on the disposable culture of fast fashion. All classes are free to attend (though donations help to keep it that way) and are taught by Black, Brown, Indigenous and minority ethnic scholars, thinkers and educators. Register here.

💎 I saw a few clips from author/performer/speaker ALOK’s interview on the Man Enough Podcast a couple days ago and was blown away by how timely and necessary their message was on compassion, humanity and the gender binary. Please carve out time to watch or listen to the full interview when you can.

📖 “A Black activist reflects on intergenerational trauma, community, and coming to terms with death in movement building.” Read it here: Grief Belongs in Social Movements. Can We Embrace It?

Fuel for the week ahead.

🎧 🎶 I think it’s impossible not to get up and dance to this week’s Seven Bops playlist (at least the first half of it). Listen to it on Apple Music or Spotify.

❤️‍🩹 I tapped the brain trust (aka you and my community on Instagram) and asked: What are some of the ways you care for yourself when you’re feeling out of sorts?Y’all were super generous with your responses - thank you for weighing in! In case you find yourself feeling vibrationally low this week, as promised, here’s a compilation of some of what you shared…

From Instagram:

“You know I love to do a good absolutely nothing. Or sleep in the guest room bed with the picture of my granny looking over at me.” - @dr.kholi

“Visualization practice always centers me back.” - @saraannkellypr

“I just look at the dried herbs and choose 2 to steep with a Lil bit of dried rose. Trusting that spirit will give me the medicine I need. My spirt usually goes to valerian and damiana.” - @notyouraveragehousedyke

“When I need to get my thoughts and feels together, I try to do things that bring me joy like clean my house( that’s that 80s baby raising ) a dope playlist, light a candle and just vibe… a delicious meal tops me off. Just reconnecting to real life and having more moments.” - @the_key2style

“Taking a step back, exactly like you did. Whether it’s physical and/or emotional needs, the quicker I take a half day or day off to nap, take a bath, some zinc if it’s a cold coming on, a walk, stretch, clean, or do nothing, the quicker I bounce back, instead of pushing too hard and then needing much longer to recover.” - @lizzcozz

“For me it’s definitely a solo walk , preferably somewhere green and spacious or if it’s really rainy a drive - both with a heavy dose of music 👌🏻” - @courageandcuriosity

And in the comments and replies to yesterday’s note I sent out:

“When I'm out of sorts, I turn on my meditation music, burn palo santo, cleanse my energy field, and settle into some deep breaths. It's a sensory reset.” - Jamila Reddy

“When I’m outta sorts I get still. Ideally I take myself to a piece of nature—by the river, a creek, a fountain, or like today, I sit in the sun. For a minimum of 15 mins, I’m barefoot with my eyes closed and I either do some box breathing or the 6-1-8 breaths.” - Danita R.

“My care taking these days always starts with the three following things:

  1. Running water over my hands. Cold =  if I need an attitude adjustment, Hot = if I need to feel nourished. 

  2. Music! I don't know why, but I always forget to infuse my days with music. 

  3. Doodling.  Somehow, just the act of pen on paper, for no reason, calms my nerves.” - Naomi H.  

“When I am feeling drained or confused on my next life steps I play binaural beats from an app or on YouTube I search for 862hz. It's great for calming and relaxing so I can think more clearly.” - Susie

I’ll see y’all next Monday.

Love always,


From Holley, With Love
From Holley, With Love
One part micropodcast, one part written digest, one part playlist, FHWL is a biweekly newsletter of practical stories, resources and inspiration for becoming who you are while creating work you love. New editions drop every other Monday on Substack. Subscribe here: